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Library catalogs - Italy

ICTP Library
Trieste University Libraries - Catalogs
University of Udine 
Italian National Union Catalog = OPAC SBN - Catalogo del Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale
University of Trento - Library system
Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) - Library
University of Milano - Library system
University of Torino - Library system
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano : Catalog
University of Milano - Bicocca - library system
Politecnico of Milano - library and archivistic system
Politecnico of Torino - library system
University of Genova - Library system
University of Firenze - Library system
Università di Roma "La Sapienza", sistema bibliotecario
University of Padova- Library
University of Bologna - Library system
University of Ferrara - Library system
Elettra library (Sincrotrone Trieste)
Biblioteca scientifica CRO di Aviano (PN)

Catalogs of National Libraries and Library Networks - Europe and United States

The Library of Congress Catalog
The British Library
Library Hub Discovery - merged online catalogues of 172 UK university resarch libraries + the British Library and the National Library of Scotland 
Bibliotheque nationale de France
Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog / Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog
Cornell University Library
Princeton University Library
Berkeley University library - University of California
MIT Libraries
UCLA Library
Harvard library
Yale University library
Stanford University library
Co-operative Online Bibliographic System (Slovenia)
The European Library: [portal] for searching the content of European national libraries
-  WorldCat (collections and services of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide)
UNESCO Digital Library
HathiTrust digital library
Digital Public Library of America
RGL (Resources in Grey Literature)

Journal sources

Catalogo italiano dei periodici (Archivio collettivo nazionale delle pubblicazioni periodiche: ACNP)
JSTOR full-text archive 
Electronic Journals Library - Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek EZB
Journals of the CNR Research Areas
Catalogo Unversità di Udine (periodici elettronici)
ISSN:International Standard Serial Number. International Centre
ISSN Portal
Cabells Scholarly Analytics
WUR Journal browser
Looking for a Plan S complaint journal?

Sources in astrophysics

AstroWeb : Astronomy on the Internet
ADS - the NASA Astrophysics Data System
Center for Astronomy of Heidelberg University
Catalogo unico delle biblioteche astronomiche italiane (CUBAI)
Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste / INAF - Library catalog
ESO Libraries
IAU Publications
Open UNiverse

Sources in health & neurosciences

BioMed Central
PubMed Central
Society for Neuroscience
Europe PubMed (PubMed Central are mirrored on Europe PMC)
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (USA)
Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Roma)
Preprint service for the Psychological sciences (electronic archive for self-archive papers in any area of Psychology, Neuroscience and Linguistic and many areas of Computer science)
Preprint server for health sciences (medRxiv) (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)

Sources in mathematics

DML: Digital Mathematics Library. [List of] Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs
- Cornell University Library Historical Mathematical Monographs Collection - full text available
LiNuM: Livres Numérisés Mathématiques - Digitized Mathematical Books (free access)
NUMDAM: digitization of ancient mathematics documents (free access)
American Mathematical Society online books
The European Digital Mathematics Library (EuDML)
European Mathematical Information Service (web portal of mathematical digital resources in Europe)
Gallica - Bibliothèque Numérique (digital resources of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France)
the University of Michigan Historical Mathematics Collection - full text available
EULER database
The Polish Digital Mathematics Library
EMIS - The European Mathematical Information Service
Mathematics on the Web (AMS)
Wolfram Math World
Zentralblatt MATH Database
CERN Library
The Wolfram Functions site
ELibM - Electronic Library of Mathematics

Sources in physics

CERN Library
INSPIRE - High-Energy Physics Literature Database
Physical Review Journals Archive (PROLA)
The Review of Particle Physics - 2017 edition
PhySH-Physics Subject Headings

Sources in medicine, biology, proteomics and genomics

International Society for Computational Biology
National Center for Biotechnology Information
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
Proteomics Glossary
BioMed Central
Preprint Server for Biology (CRO-Aviano-PN)
Biblioteca dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Roma)
Europe PMC

Sources in chemistry

ACS publications
Berekely Library. University of California. Chemistry and chemical Engineering Library

Sources for Master in Science Communications

HATHITRUST Digital Library
Enciclopedia Treccani
Enciclopedia Sapere
Glossario European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) - ITALIANO
Glossario European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) - ENGLISH
Merriam-webster Dictionary & Thesaurus
Journal of science communication
International Journal of Communication
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)


Dryad data repository : data depository not-profit membership organization, with quality control assistance, community-lead and straightforward compliance
University fo Padova - Data repository
CESSDA : Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives
Cornell University Data Management Service
GenBank : is the NIH genetic sequence database which comprises the DNA DataBank of Japan, the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) and GenBank at NCRI
FAIRsharing : a curated, informative & educational resources on data and metadata standards, inter-related to databases and data policies
Google Data Search
JSTOR Data for Researcher
OpenDOAR : Directory of Open Access Repositories
PubMed data set  : NCBI Datasets
Polaris OS: open source platform for archiving and analysing data
Research Data Support Service - Springer Nature
UniProt : freely accessible resource of protein sequence
Figshare : store, share, discover research : FAIR data and non-traditional research outputs
DANS - Dutch Data Archiving and Networked Services Datavers 
Zenodo : OpenAIRE project , open access and open data movements in Europe

Open Access: sources

Budapest Open Access Initiative
Berlin Declaration on Open Access
Open Research Europe
CRUI guidelines
Italian Law on Open Access
Plan S : requires that, from 2021, scientific publications that result from research funded by public grants must be published in compliant Open Access journals or platforms.
Plan A : is the 2020-25 action plan of the Open Scholarship Initiative (OSI)
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
OpenAire Repository
Future of Research Communications and e-Scholarship (FORCE11)
Open Science MOOC
Digitalana Knjizinica Slovenije
Directory of Open Access Book
Pasteur4OA : armonization of policy of Open access in Europe
Creative Commons Licence
Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association
EBLIDA - The European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Association
Open Scholarship Knowledge Base
ROR (Research Organization Registry) number  for SISSA 
Other Idenifiers for SISSA : GRID grid.5970.b; ISNI 0000000417629868; Wikidata Q2424299
Global Research Identifier Database (GRID) - Open and standardized information about research institutions name along with unique identifiers and geolocation information across 212 countries
DPpedia's dataset of Wikipedia knowledge
Open Science Slovenia
Excel Easy


Resource Sharing during COVID-19 (RSCVD) (ONLY for SISSA library staff)

WEB TOOL for searching  and accessing academic research sources: free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature 
Semantic scholar is a free, nonprofit, academic search engine from AI2.

WEB TOOL for searching open access research papers on the web 

1) Dimensions : is a linked research knowledge system that re-imagines discovery and access to research. Developed by Digital Science in collaboration with over 100 leading research organizations around the world, Dimensions brings together grants, publications, citations, alternative metrics, clinical trials, patents and policy documents to deliver a platform that enables users to find and access the most relevant information faster, analyze the academic and broader outcomes of research, and gather insights to inform future strategy. 

2) Core aggregate and enrich open access research papers from around the world and provide access to content and data through unique APIs.
CORE collects, processess, harmonises and enriches large quantities of metadata and full texts of research papers from many data providers.
This services is for researchers, universities, and industry.  Content in CORE is under an open access compatible license.

3) Dissemin - detects papers behind paywalls and helps their authors to upload them to an open repository

4) Open Scholarship Knowledge Base : discover open scholarship resources created and curated by the community