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Read&Publish Transformative Agreements

Starting from July 2020 SISSA has signed a few so-called Transformative Agreements with some of the major STEM journals publishers. These agreements have been reached thanks to Italian CRUI consortium, and generally mean that SISSA users have the possibility to:

  • access online subscription based journals
  • publish open access in hybrid or gold journals at no additional cost (because APC are covered by SISSA)

According to Library Regulations (D.D. 194 d.d. 04.03.2024) this opportunity will be granted only to authors who have explicitly indicated SISSA as their affiliation in the relevant paper.

Depending on the different contracts (Springer, ACS, AIP)  there may be a limited number of articles per year: when the maximum of articles for the current year is reached, exceeding articles may be published open access only if the authors pay the fee. Other contracts have unlimited articles.

No author will be obliged to publish open access, but all eligible authors are invited to do so.

Depending on the publisher’s workflow: the affiliation indicated by the author has to be validated by the library staff before the article is actually published, only when the validation is granted, the author will receive a confirmation; or the affiliation is validated afterwards.

Authors will maintain their copyright.

Please be aware that these services are not included and will be charged directly to the author:
    Services related to pages
    Colour pages or images
    Videos in abstracts
    Editing services


American Chemical Society (2020-2023) Since a new contract starting form 2024 has not been signed yet, open access publication is on hold.

Starting form 2021 SISSA Corresponding Authors have right to publish Gold Open Access articles in ACS hybrid journals, full open access journals are not included.

Licence: CC-BY (but other licences may be chosen)

Who is eligible? Corresponding Authors who have indicated SISSA as their affiliation will be offered this opportunity when the article is accepted, so make sure indicate SISSA as your affiliation.

The validation of the author’s affiliation is made by Crui staff who forwards the requests to SISSA library staff

Workflow on Rightlinks platform

See more information:


American Institute of Physics (2022-2026)

Starting from 2023 SISSA Corresponding Authors have right to publish Gold Open Access articles in AIP hybrid journals.

Who is eligible? Corresponding Authors who have indicated SISSA as their affiliation will be offered this opportunity when the article is accepted, so make sure you indicate SISSA as your affiliation. If you think you are eligible but you are not offered to do so, please contact library staff or

There is a limited amount of articles per year. 

Please find here updated and detailed information Read and Publish - AIP Publishing LLC


The Company of Biologists (2024-2026)

Starting from 2024 SISSA corresponding Authors have right to publish Gold Open Access an uncapped number of articles in Company of Biologists journals.

Who is eligible? Corresponding Authors who have indicated SISSA as their affiliation will be offered this opportunity when the article is accepted, so make sure you use your institutional email and indicate SISSA as your affiliation. If you think you are eligible but you are not offered to do so, please contact library staff or your article may be retrospectively published open

There is no limit to the number of articles to be published.

A step-by-step guide for authors is available here


IOP (2022-2025)

Starting form 01.01.2023 SISSA Corresponding Authors have right to publish Gold Open Access articles in IOP hybrid and gold journals

Who is eligible? Corresponding Authors who have indicated SISSA as their affiliation will be offered this opportunity when the article is accepted, so make sure you use your institutional email and indicate SISSA as your affiliation. If you think you are eligible but you are not offered to do so, please contact library staff or your article may be retrospectively published open

There is no limit to the number of articles to be published.

Please find here updated and detailed information:

Please note that American Astronomical Society has not taken part in this agreement so Astrophysical Journal and other AAS publication fees are not covered.


Oxford University Press (2024-2026)

The contract is to be signed shortly (January 2025). Starting form 2025 SISSA Corresponding Authors have right to publish Gold Open Access articles in OUP hybrid journals.

Who is eligible? Corresponding Authors who have indicated SISSA as their affiliation will be offered this opportunity when the article is accepted, so make sure you indicate SISSA as your affiliation. If you think you are eligible but you are not offered to do so, please contact library staff or

Eligible articles: Research Article, Review Article, Case Report, Brief Reports

Eligible articles published during 2024 will be converted

A 15% discount will be applied for APC on full gold journals.

There is no limit to the number of articles to be published. 

Details may be found here:  Italian Institutions (CRUI affiliated) | Oxford Academic and r&p_author_guide.pdf.


Springer (2020-2025)

Starting from July 1st 2020, SISSA Corresponding Authors have right to publish Gold Open Access articles in Springer hybrid journals, full open access journals and Nature journals are not included.

The contract, expired on 31st December 2024, has been prolonged for 2025.

Only original papers and review papers (no brief communications)

Licence: CC-BY (CC-BY-NC for some journals)

Who is eligible? Corresponding Authors who have indicated SISSA as their affiliation, and/or have submitted their article using email address, and/or from a SISSA IP address will be offered this opportunity when the article is accepted, so make sure you use your institutional email and indicate SISSA as your affiliation.

The validation of the author’s affiliation is made by SISSA library staff on Springer platform

Workflow on Springer platform

There is a limited amount of articles per year. 

See detailed information here:

Please be informed that SPRINGER vouchers for 2024 open access publication have finished.
2025 vouchers will not be available until further notice.



Wiley (2024-2027) 

SISSA Corresponding Authors can publish Gold Open Access articles in Wiley hybrid and full open journals. Hindawi journals are not included.

Only original paper and reviews paper (no brief communications).

Licence: CC-BY (CC-BY-NC for some journals)

Who is eligible? Corresponding Authors who have indicated SISSA as their affiliation, will be offered this opportunity when the article is accepted, so make sure you use your institutional email and indicate SISSA as your affiliation.

The validation of the author’s affiliation is made by SISSA library staff on Wiley platform.

There is no limit to the number of articles to be published. 

Workflow on Wiley platform

See detailed information here:


This page will be updated when other Read&Publish contracts are signed.

If you need any more information, please contact library staff or